5807 W 63rd St, Chicago, IL 60638, United States
Yes. We will recommend the most efficient and time efficient flight options for you to get you to your destination the soonest time possible.
This will depend on the airline, the ticket you purchased, and any full terms and conditions specified in your itinerary when you book your trip.
Unfortunately, we cannot process airline payments through frequent flyer miles. What we can do is recommend the best routing and flight numbers for your trip. You can then book frequent flyer miles with the airline directly.
Yes. We can offer the best discounts on business and first class flights as we are an appointed agent to some of the leading carriers in the world.
Book your air ticket through our website or via online chat. You can also give us a call on (02037840366 ).
Tell us what you’re looking for and we’ll work out the booking details on your behalf.
No. But the more nights you book the more chance we can provide a discount.
Use our website to book your accommodation online. You can also give us a call on (02037840366).
Your credit card will be charged at the time of booking. Charges will include most taxes and fees.
Yes. Himalayas Travel can arrange visa applications for tourists who want to visit INDIA for a GBP20 fee per passport. This is on top of the High Commission charges that will vary based on the type of visa required.
Download the visa form from this link. Complete and duly sign the form and send it along with 2 passport photos.
Find complete details here (link).